What are Intergration Sessions?
One way to put a psychedelic experience is to “feel like you’ve been cracked open and put back together in the most beautiful design that was always intended for you by the Universe”. Which is why such experiences should be handled with care and calmness that can only be offered by experienced professionals and not taken lightly.
Integration sessions in Psychedelic-assisted Therapy are structured conversations and therapeutic interventions designed to help participants process and make meaning of their psychedelic experiences (old or new).
These sessions aim to integrate insights, emotions, and revelations from the psychedelic journey into their everyday lives in a positive and constructive way.
We allow the participants to share their experience in a safe space without any judgment or questions. Just a simple stream of consciousness being poured and no interruptions in the middle. We encourage them to dig deeper, recall moments of insights, their feelings and identify any moments or feelings that need further validation or connect them to past life events or traumas.
To create a complete therapeutic experience, its imporant to use what may feel as abstract imagery and feelings and translate them towards a more meaninful, actionable perspective.
Intergration sessions don’t end at the end of the experience, we continue with follow-ups to ensure that personal goals set out during the experience are revisited in a timely manner, encourage participants to practice mindfulness techniques taught during the workshops along with keeping a journal of their journey after the session.
We’re in this together 🫶