Rediscover Yourself
with Mushroom Consciousness
Unlock the Power of Psilocybin
Psilocybin is the active component of Magic Mushrooms. Magic mushrooms (Psilocybin Cubenesis) are naturally occurring fungi that have been revered in diverse cultures across the globe for thousands of years
Used for centuries as a bridge between material and spiritual worlds, to awaken a deeper sense of unity and transcendence and finding your hidden purpose
Pre-Columbian Mushroom stones
1000 BC - 500 AD
Psilocybin Mushrooms were called “k'aizalaj okox” by the Mayans and “teonanàcatl” (or God’s flesh) by the Aztecs

Our Methods
Augmented Psychotherapy
An empathetic therapy helping you set personal goals and use insights from past or future psychedelic sessions to assimilate them for a wholesome present
Sound Healing
Sound healing is an ancient practice that harnesses the vibrational power of sound to restore harmony within the mind, body, and spirit. Afterall, all of existence occurs within a frequency. Tune in.
Astrology + Numerology Healing
Explore your unique past, present and future self with the help of this ancient science and use it to empower your decision-making
Breathwork Therapy
Breathwork is the art of consciously harnessing the breath to unlock the deep wisdom held within the body and mind. With each intentional inhale, we invite life force energy to flow through us, and with every exhale, we release what no longer serves
Nutritional Healing
Combining your Astrological and numerological reading to create a new diet plan that is uniquely crafted for you. One diet does NOT fit all!
Cellular Healing
The one-day emotional healing program releases toxins like guilt, regret, and negative thoughts, promoting feel lighter, reprogram their mindset, and undergo lasting transformation through an integration process.
Art Therapy
Using materials such as paint, charcoal, clay, crayons or whatever feels right, to express yourself while we work through mental blocks together and allow your subconscious to flow freely
Addiction Counselling
A compassionate therapy helping you work through old behavioural patterns and find breakthrough insights and embark on a tranformative journey together